Nova Global Financial Institution (A Part of ADRHG) was launched in 1990.We have grown Immensely in the last 30 years with Expanding our Investments to 28 Countries and helping different Financial Institutions to Grow.
The Financial Institutions team invests in financial institutions worldwide, from traditional banks and insurers to their fintech counterparts.
Nova Global Financial Institution (A Part of ADRHG)’s Financial Institutions team invests across a wide range of businesses - from listed equities to private institutions.
The team is focused on identifying and understanding emerging trends that are defining the future of global financial systems, including digital disruption and the rise of new types of challengers in the market.
Nova Global Financial Institution (A Part of ADRHG)’s Strategic Investments team oversees a portfolio of local-based strategic investments and international direct investments, creating value and generating superior, sustainable financial returns through strong partnerships and active management of our portfolio companies.